Levin Sothoron

By will of uncle Benjamin Sothoron of 1745/6, to receive 125 acres at south end of tract called Two Friends upon death of Benjamin's father (see Benjamin's Notes)

By father’s will of 1767 to receive, after mother’s life or widowhood, half of water mill & iron works belonging thereto, with adjacent 2 acres from Littleworth or Trumans Lot; also livestock & personalty. Levin & mother appointed executors of estate. (see father’s Notes).


Levin Sothoron and Richard Sothoron were witnesses to the will of Richard Burroughs of St. Mary's Co., MD.  (Ancestry.com* - Wills 37/249, 8 Nov 1768/3 May 1769)

Took the Oath of Allegiance in 1778, administered by Henry Tubman (see Notes of Henry Greenfield Sothoron, for text of Allegiance).

With John J. Sothoron was a surety to Mary Anderson, administrix of her husband Jonathan (see his Notes).

List of St. Mary's Co., MD voters for the 1790 Congressional Elections. "Page No." refers to original document, held by the Maryland State Archives. (Ancestry.com* - Catholic Families of Southern MD, pp. 98, 99, 112, 137)

Page No. Name
49 Sothoron, Charles
71 Sothoron, Henry G.
81 Sothoron, John I. (sic)
  Sothoron, Levin
  Sothoron, Richard
  Sothoron, Samuel
90 Sothoron, Francis
  Sothoron, Henry
  Sothoron, John
99 Sothoron, Richd. of Samuel
  Sothoron, Sam.

Extract from the County Court minutes. Recommendations made by Justices of the Peace under the "Act to regulate the Inspection of Tobacco." Five inspectors chosen for the Benedict warehouse, including Levin Sothoron. (Calendar of Maryland State Papers {Red Book.* 4 Part 2 :229, XXXIII, 3, 1507}, Charles Co., 1793.01.21)

Cites land deed transferring over 92 acres from Witheringtons Choice & Gates’ Range, to Thomas Waters of Charles Co.. “The land bounded ‘Hunts Venture’, ‘Sothorons Discovery’, and the original dividing line between the Witherington property and the Leven Sothoron property.” (MD Gen Soc Bulletin 45:1:26, Charles Co., 1795.02.17)

Levin Sothoron & John Estep Sr. of Charles Co., and John J. Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. are bound to the State for £1,000, for Levin to faithfully serve as Tobacco Inspector at the Benedict warehouse. Witness: William Wilkinson Jr., Jesse Porver. (Prov Court Deeds 30{JG#4}:224, Charles Co., 1796.05.27, Recorded 1796.10.18)

Levin Sothoron, near Cool Springs, offers a reward for a stolen mare. (Wright(1)* :56 - Georgetown & Washington Advertiser, Reported 1799.01.04)

Mentioned by name in will of uncle Benjamin Sothoron (see his Notes).

** Land records - Maryland

Recorded at request of buyers. John Swann & Elizabeth his wife, Joseph Swann & Agnes his wife, Seth Barton & Sarah Emerson his wife, May Maxwell & Mary Maxwell, all of Baltimore Town, five of the daughters and co-heirs of George Maxwell of Charles Co. deceased sell to Richard Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron, John Johnson Sothoron & Ann his wife of St. Mary’s Co.; and to Jonathan Anderson & Mary his wife, Levin Sothoron & Rebecca his wife, James Briscoe & Elizabeth his wife of Charles Co.. John Sothoron late of Charles Co. had on 20 January 1789 agreed to purchase from John Swann & Elizabeth his wife, Helen Maxwell (now Helen Tabbs, wife to Barton Tabbs St. Mary’s Co.), Agnes Maxwell (now Agnes Swann wife to Joseph Swann), Sarah Emerson Maxwell (now Barton), John Campbell & Marion his wife, May Maxwell the tract called Maxwell's seat, 487 ½ acres at £2.16 per acre. Sothoron died intestate and left Richard Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron, Ann Sothoron wife of John Johnson Sothoron, Mary Anderson wife of Jonathan Anderson, Rebecca Sothoron wife of Levin Sothoron and Elizabeth Briscoe wife of James Briscoe his legal heirs and representatives. £975 paid for 5/7 undivided parts of said tract. Witness: J. Campbell, Jas. Bryden. (K#4:282, Charles Co., 1791.01.27, Recorded 1791.06.25)

Deed recorded at request of buyer. Barton Tabbs & Helen his wife of St. Mary’s Co. (Helen is daughter & heir to George Maxwell late of St. Mary’s Co.) sell to Richard Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron, John Johnson Sothoron & Ann his wife of St. Mary’s Co.; and to Jonathan Anderson & Mary his wife, Levin Sothoron & Rebecca his wife, James Briscoe & Elizabeth his wife of Charles Co.; for £195 sell 1/7 undivided part of Maxwell's Seat. Witness: Vernon Hebb, John Abell. (K#4:292, Charles Co., 1791.04.07, Recorded 1791.08.15)

Deed recordation requested by buyer. John Campbell & Marion his wife of Charles Co. sell to Richard Sothoron, Benjamin Sothoron, John Johnson Sothoron & Ann his wife of St. Mary’s Co.; and to Jonathan Anderson & Mary his wife, Levin Sothoron & Rebecca his wife, James Briscoe & Elizabeth his wife of Charles Co.. For £195 they sell their 1/7 undivided part of Maxwell's Seat. Witness: B. Fendall, Benjamin Contee. (K#4:297, Charles Co., 1791.08.20, Recorded 1791.08.30)

Indenture recorded at request of buyer. Jonathan Anderson & Mary his wife, Levin Sothoron & Rebecca his wife of Charles Co. sell to John Campbell of Charles Co., for £133.6.8, two sixths undivided parts of Maxwell's Seat. Witness: Benjamin Dyson, William D. Briscoe. (K#4:299, Charles Co., 1791.08.20, Recorded 1791.08.31)

Levin Sothoron of Charles Co. deeds to Jesse Locke for £75, a water mill with mill seat, being part on Trueman's Lott & part on Littleworth, a total of 2 acres. (Abstracts TH#25{StM#1}:73, St. Mary’s Co., 1797.07.17, Recorded 1797.05.10)

Recorded at request of Thomas L. Sothoron on 2 July 1799. Indenture of 25 May 1799 between Elizabeth Briscoe of Charles Co. & Thomas Letchworth Sothoron of same county. For £170 Briscoe conveys property called Two Friends & part of Sothoron's Discovery. Begins at end of 2nd line of Lot No. 3 & runs N 49° E 166 perches to intersect the 6th line of Gates Range, therewith S 81 3/4° (?) 46 perches to end of second line of Lot No. 1, therewith S 33° W 140 perches, then S 34° E 76 prches to a road, therewith said road S 55° E 60 perches to intersect dividing line of Levin Sothoron 125 acres, then S 17° W 76 perches to line of Thomas Good's part of Two Friends, then to beginning, containing about 158 acres 3 roods. Signed by Elizabeth Briscoe, witnessed by Alexr. McPherson & Henry A. Smith. Certified same date. (Charles Co., MD Land Records IB#3:31)

** Land Office Debt Books - Leven Sothoron, Charles Co., MD

Year    Lib:Fol   Tract Acres
1768 16:38 pt. Two Friends 125
1769 16:40 pt. Two Friends 125
1770 16:49 pt. Two Friends 125
1771 16:32 pt. Two Friends 125
1772 17:47 pt. Two Friends 125
1773 17:59 pt. Two Friends 125
1774 17:45 pt. Two Friends 125

** Tax Lists & Assessments - Maryland

 1783 List - Levin Sothoron, District 3, Charles Co. - Land: 125 acres, valued at 93.15. Total Property: 93.15. Ditto in Specie: 18.9. White inhabitants: 0.

1793-96 Assessment. Levin Sothoron, Upper Resurrection Hundred, St. Mary’s Co. Slaves: 0. Lands: A Mill Seat & Mill, 2 acres. Total: 50.0.0. (Fenwick*)

** Census schedules - Charles Co., MD

1790 Federal Census (1790.08.02) - Levin Sothoron, pg 52

Free white males 16 &older


under 16






Slave owners & numbers of slaves (Carothers*, Bryan Town Hundred, 1798)

- Leven Sothoron. 13

** Church activities - Maryland

Leving Sothoron identified as one of 4 other sufficient planters during nomination of tobacco inspectors. (Trinity Parish Vestry Minutes {MSA M258}:78, 1769.09.05)

John Johnson Sothoron & Levin Sothoron named as two of four other sufficient planters during nominations for Inspector of Tobacco. John Sothoron present at this meeting and the ones held 25 Oct & 15 Nov 1774; and on 17 April & 21 Sept 1775. (Trinity Parish Vestry Minutes {MSA M258}:87, 1775.09.08)

Many parishioners came forth with subscriptions of tobacco, including Henry G., Richard, Levin, Richard Sr. & Samuel Sothoron. (MD Hist Mag 31:32, All Faith Parish, 1781.04.16)

** Will & estate - Maryland

Levin Sothoron, weak of body, leaves to his son Thomas L. Sothoron his current dwelling, being part of two friends & part of Sothoron discovery containing 113 acres & being the place where John Sothoron dwelt. Also three Negroes, livestock,”wheat phan,” and iron kettle "...which my sisters had for their use."

- To son Zachariah Sothoron, 100 acres called Gates Range, purchased from Roswell Mudd. Also 3 Negroes, livestock.

- To son Levin Sothoron, testator’s dwelling plantation called the two friends, 125 acres, given to him by his uncle Benjamin Sothoron; 3 Negroes, some livestock, & all the furniture in the Dwelling House.

- To slave woman Sebtar(?. & her daughter Riner, their freedom.

 - To daughter Rebekah, 3 Negroes & livestock.

- Some land in St. Mary's Co, bought from brother John J. Sothoron, had been sold to Jesse Edwards. If Edwards were to lose the land, executors to reimburse him for monies paid to John Forbes on Levin's account, falling back upon brother John J. Sothoron or heirs, or upon brother Richard's heirs if necessary.

- If will contested by Zachariah, Levin or Rebekah, son Thomas to be allowed to buy their shares for one shilling each.

- Executor Thomas L. Sothoron. Witness: Henry Lyon Davis, John Munro, Samuel Morton. Proven by Thomas Letchworth Sothoron. (Wills AK#11:533, Charles Co., 1799 .09.26, Proved 1799.11.10)

Thomas Letchworth Sothoron, Nathaniel Segar & Zachariah Sothoron of Levin of Charles Co. bound for £5,000, for Thomas L. Sothoron as executor of Levin Sothoron late of Charles Co. (Proc & Bonds Orphans Court :24, Charles co., 1799.11.18)

Inventory of Levin Sothoron late of Charles Co. dec'd. Includes 13 Negroes, 6 horses, 23 hogs, one yoke of oxen, 11 cattle, 2 bedrooms of furniture, 1 mirror, shoemaker's tools, brick mold, carpenters tools. Total value £2123.85.00. Creditors: Gerrard Briscoe & Richard S. Briscoe. Appraisers: Joseph Morton & Richard S. Briscoe. Nearest kin: Zachrey Sothoron & Leven Sothoron. At the foot is written, 10 Dec 1799: "Came Thomas Letchworth Sothoron executor of Levin Sothoron..." and swore to the accuracy of the inventory. (Inv & Accts :215, Charles Co., 1799.11.27, Recorded 1799.12.10)

Petition of Thomas L. Sothoron executor of Levin Sothoron late of Charles Co. dec'd, to dispose of some property to pay debts. Approved sale of 2 Negroes, plus any other property except legacies, to satisfy debtors. (Proc & Bonds Orphans Court :10, Charles Co., 1799.12.10)

Thomas Sothoron executor of Levin Sothoron late of Charles Co. dec'd, pleads for a list of newspapers in which he is to serve notice to creditors. Maryland Gazette & the paper of Zundt & Brown named. (Proc & Bonds Orphans Court :80, Charles Co., 1800.06.11)

Deed recorded at request of buyer. Thomas Letchworth Sothoron of Charles Co. sells to Walter McPherson of Charles Co., for £375, Two Friends plus part of Sothoron's discovery, 113 acres in all, being the place where John Sothoron dwelt and lands Levin Sothoron devised to Thomas L. Sothoron. Also sold was tract called Lott number two, abutting Lott number three, Gates Range, and the part of Two Friends owned by Thomas Goodspart, 158 acres & 3 roods in all. Witness: Wm. McPherson, Samuel Chapman. (Land Rec IB#3:333, Charles Co., 1800.10.08, Recorded 1801.01.02)

Received from Mr. Charles Smoot this date & ordered by the Court to be recorded as final settlement, receipts from the representatives of John Sothoron to his administratrix De Bonis Non. Cites letter from Thomas L. Sothoron dated 3 September 1803, noting monies due as executor of the estate of his father, Levin Sothoron, from a deal made in Mr. John Forbes' store. Other letters from other heirs certifying receipt of monies & properties due:

- Elizabeth Briscoe, dated 3 September 1803.

- Benjamin Sothoron, dated 3 September 1803.

- John Johnson Sothoron, dated 3 September 1803.

- Mary Anderson, dated 23 November 1803. (Proc Orphans Court :76, Charles Co., 1803.12.13)

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.